There are three major factors to consider when your goal is to lessen “noise” within your workplace. These are Sound Absorption, Blocking, and Covering. A major weapon against workplace noise is sound masking. Sound Masking is the “cover” portion of the equation- the addition of an unobtrusive background sound, similar to airflow, to reduce the intelligibility of human speech and reduce distractions.
Research has shown that the addition of sound masking can increase speech privacy from 35% to 90%
Sound Masking is used to provide the following benefits:
• Increased worker performance and productivity
• Increased comfort among the workplace (48% of survey respondents reported that conversational distractions where the leading cause of workplace discomfort)
• Unlike a building’s static structures and elements that cannot adapt, Sound masking can vary from location to location as well as from time to time, to adapt to changing environmental conditions
• Sound masking is one of the most cost effective means for providing privacy